Add this to your next conversation. Social impact in the news – week of Sept. 19th
When you’re filling up your water bottle at work… Evian achieved carbon net neutrality in Canada and US and just unveiled a bottling facility in France that is 100% powered by renewable energy. Danone, the parent company of Evian, plans to start advertising the carbon neutral efforts in the US next …

Top conferences to attend before 2017 is over
A list of six conferences, purpose driven professionals should consider attending before the end of the year. Learning and professional development is something we very much believe in at Bmeaningful. Whether you are in school or not, we think it’s important to always be learning. Don’t let your professional development budget …

The rise of the moral activist CEO
Overheard on the internet. “As C.E.O. of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism,”- Merck CEO resigning from Trump’s Manufacturing Council. What’s the social impact story: Moral activism amongst CEOs is on the rise- blending personal ideals …

Social impact in the news: the Google diversity memo and what you need to know
“Overheard on the internet” “You belong here, and we need you.” – Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, to girls at coding event at Google, last week. What’s the social impact story? Last week a Google engineer was fired for a memo he wrote outlining why Google’s diversity initiatives are problematic- saying that men are biologically more …

After interviewing more than 100 impact professionals, the best advice they have share these themes
Insights from our interviews could changes how you think about your impact career. Opportunities for having a social impact career are on the rise, but as the number of jobs increase and the sector grows, so does the level of competition. The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t lies in their actions. …

Online courses for corporate social responsibility
Looking to enhance your social impact and corporate social responsibility (CSR) knowledge skill set without leaving the comfort of your own home or desk? Want to show employers that you care about staying up to date and learning? Then you may want to consider signing up for a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) or other online …

The first step to getting the impact job of your dreams
How to career plan in the impact economy including a practical (and fun) exercise to help you get the impact career of your dreams.

I’ve been a career coach, hiring manager and in-house recruiter, and these are the cover letters that stand out
Having been a career coach, a hiring manager and an in-house recruiter, I’m often asked for advice on whether to invest the time and effort in writing a cover letter when applying to a job. Does anyone even read them? The answer, of course, is: it depends. For most people, …

CSR hashtags you should be using
If you’re not already using hashtags, it’s time to start. Hashtags can seem overwhelming at first, but when used properly, they help you find meaningful and relevant content. A hashtag is the hash symbol (#) followed by a keyword, phrase or acronym, and is usually found throughout or at the end of a message …

When having purpose is not enough: a cautionary tale about leadership in mission driven organizations
I’ve started listening to podcasts at the gym- recently alternating from Tim Ferris, Fresh Air and Freakonomics. Yesterday I decided to listen to the Freakonomics program because they were featuring a conversation with Miki Agrawal- CEO of Thinx– a social purpose company. I was so inspired by her interview. She shared her story …

The essential reading list for social purpose professionals: 7 leaders to follow
It’s no surprise that I’ve always been inspired by the social purpose movement, after all I’m one of the co-founders of Bmeaningful. While I was working as a marketing manager at a nonprofit, it was important for me to stay up to date with the latest news and trends in the sector. Through …

Best resources for purpose driven professionals
Being a super star leader, employee and colleague requires a combination of factors including continuous learning. I’ve compiled my go-to list for being in the know – from what you should be reading to who you should be following and everything in between. Get Smarter: Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) …