Fatima Crerar. Director of Projects. Public Inc.

For those of us who believe there’s more to a job than a paycheque, and that it’s about the journey, not just the destination- this interview is for you. As the Director of Projects at Public, Fatima Crerar shares a unique passion and drive for her work, spurred by the …


Inside Public Inc.

BEHIND THE IMPACT. We love helping to break the myth that you have to do business for profit and charity for good. You no longer have to feel like the only way to make a difference with your career is by volunteering. Going behind the scenes and showing you the culture …


Caleigh Farrell. Projects Manager. Public Inc.

As a millennial, finding your first job out of university is hard. Finding the perfect job is even harder. After a series of unfulfilling internships and experiences, Caleigh took her mom’s advice to ‘follow her bliss’ and went back to school to add a Masters to her BA in Anthropology. …


Phillip Haid. Co-Founder and CEO. Public Inc.

We’ve never walked away so inspired than after meeting Phillip. On a mission to redefine giving, Phillip and his team are disrupting what it means to do charity and business. Phillip is not only a visionary but a fun leader that encapsulates a play hard – work hard mentality. Phillip’s …