Coro Strandberg. Principal. Strandberg Consulting
If you’ve ever wondered whether you should work in non-profit, business, or government, you’re not alone. But Coro Strandberg’s career story reminds us that there’s no one path to success. And that having experience in all three can make you the ideal social impact professional; understanding and speaking the language …

5 rookie mistakes that career switchers make
As a career switcher into social impact, your primary goal is to get across why you above everyone else applying are the best person for the job. You may have the right skill set and bring a wealth of experience from a different sector, but still find it challenging to …

A secret to career switching
Most recruiters won’t tell you all the things you need to do to switch into a social impact job. Beyond the traditional advice of networking and informational interviews – there’s one super important secret for career switching that is rarely discussed.

Blair Smith. Marketing Manager. Evergreen Canada
In addition to demonstrating your passion, the message of developing your skill-set is one that we continue to emphasize at Bmeaningful. Like the sports analogy “there’s no I in team”, Blair Smith’s career story and advice reminds us that as top talent, the key to success is focusing on the …

Andrew Hall. Co-founder. Mealshare.
One of the most exciting things about working in the impact economy is seeing the rise of cool social enterprises like Mealshare, taking the buy one give one model to the culinary world. Andrew Hall is the co-founder and co-mastermind behind this budding West Coast based organization. From consultant to …

Janet Yale. CEO of the Arthritis Society.
Experts in Career Switching: From Executive Vice President of TELUS to CEO of the Arthritis Society, Janet Yale has completed her transformation to Purple Sheep. Janet leveraged the knowledge and skills she gained over 25 years in the corporate sector and successfully “career-switched” into not-for-profit. Janet’s career story reminds us …

Jason Shim. Digital Media Manager. Pathways to Education Canada
Jason Shim represents the next generation of nonprofit professionals using technology as a tool for change. From hackathons and consulting to teaching and volunteering, Jason is at the cutting edge of digital marketing. What inspires us most is his relentless passion for advancing nonprofits through technology.

Aria Finger. COO, DoSomething.org and President, TMI
Aria Finger was on a mission to prove her college classmates wrong- that working at a not-for-profit could be efficient, effective and world-changing. As Chief Operating Officer of DoSomething.org– a not-for-profit that empowers millions of people to take action around causes they care about- she does just that. And we couldn’t be …

Eyal Rosenblum. Executive Director. Operation Groundswell
What’s a typical day like? Is there a typical day? Generally most of my day is spent troubleshooting. As an Executive Director, I see myself as a facilitator. I’m not really an authoritative director. I see my job to support the staff as best as I can, make sure they …

Toronto’s top free networking events for social impact professionals
Professionals interested in a social impact career have likely heard how important it is to network and build relationships when looking for a job. But don’t start your networking only after you’ve begun your job hunt. It may be tempting to put off reaching out to new contacts but the …

Confessions of a Purple Sheep: 3 Pieces of Career Advice
Finding your dream social impact job takes hard work and persistence. Good career advice is sector, even job specific. Advice for getting a job at Google is very different than good advice for getting a job at the RBC Foundation or the United Way. We’ve gone through our Purple Sheep interviews …

6 career options you never knew existed
Discover alternative, corporate career options in the emerging social impact space:

Beth Locke. Fundraising Professional for Aga Khan University.
Beth Locke is a professional fundraiser who truly recognizes the power of relationships and the impact one can have on the world. Beth was bitten by the fundraising bug after University and has been in love with the profession ever since. From the Vancouver Art Gallery, United Way, College Success …
Can You Make Money With A Meaningful Job?
The short answer is yes. Aside from volunteerism, you can make money and have a meaningful career. Meaningful jobs pay a salary, so the question is not whether you can make money doing good, but rather how much. We know there’s a perception that non-profits can’t compete with corporate salaries …

Kristen Davidse. PhillyPLUS Resident at Philadelphia’s Pathway to Leadership in Urban Schools. MBA with a Non-Profit Job.
Kristen shows us how the power of teaching can change lives. Her passion and dedication for helping others led her on a journey from the Ivy Leagues of Cornell to the gravel of Philly’s high schools and currently now as a PhillyPLUS Resident at PhillyPLUS (Philadelphia’s Pathways to Leadership in Urban …
Are There Corporate Politics in a Nonprofit Job?
While it’s true that everyone, or most people at least, working in a non-profit believe in and are actively working towards a common good, it doesn’t mean that staff meetings involve holding hands, singing Kumbayah around a camp fire. The realities of working in a non-profit job are not that …

Robin Mednick. Executive Director. Pencils For Kids. Non-Profit Job.
Robin’s background makes her a perfect advocate for the non-profit she founded, Pencils for Kids. Her inspiration came from hearing 30 kids had to share one pencil in a Niger classroom and it was her instinct to say “let’s not just talk about it, let’s do something”. Pencils for Kids …