Ada Tsang the Co-founder and VP HR of Endeavour Volunteer Consulting for Non-Profits
Have you ever considered working in the nonprofit sector but hesitate to make the transition because you’re unsure of what to expect in a sector driven by purpose? Take some of the uncertainty out of the process by volunteering and getting a firsthand look at what it’s like to work in a nonprofit. Consider joining Endeavour Consulting, …

3 hard truths to know before working in nonprofit
Many professionals want to work in the nonprofit sector and while it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, there are some important realities you should know about before taking your first nonprofit job. Whether you are just graduating, in the middle or twilight of your corporate career or somewhere in between, …

Robert Witchel the Executive Director of Jays Care Foundation
As Blue Jay Fever sweeps across Toronto, it’s only fitting that we can profile the Purple Sheep behind the charitable arm of Canada’s baseball team- Robert Witchel. From a successful career in the the private sector to experiences with the Sick Kids Foundation, Right To Play and now the Jays …

8 tips to get a nonprofit job
A career in nonprofit can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. Many are willing to forego a higher salary in order to work on a mission and a sense of purpose. Whether you are looking to switch into a career in nonprofit from the corporate sector, looking for a new …

Chris Baker. Director, Fund Development & Social Finance. Immigrant Access Fund Canada
Salary, and the ‘passion discount’, is often one of the biggest factors that discourages professionals from pursuing careers in the nonprofit sector. This is particularly true for professionals considering switching into nonprofit from the corporate sector. Chris Baker, one such career switcher, talks the real truth about salary and the pursuit of making a difference. As …