Celebrating Right To Play Employees On International Women’s Day
Celebrating women’s achievements and taking action for equality is something that Right To Play does every day. They play to give girls a voice and empower them to claim their rights to equality, education, dignity and safety. This International Women’s Day we’re celebrating two Right To Play employees, Tanya Phillipps …

5 Ways Volunteering Can Enhance Your Job Search
Looking for work can often be extremely challenging and frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Volunteering isn’t just about giving back to your community. It’s also a great way to build skills and experience, network and cultivate references, and hone your job application skills. Let’s delve into …

5 Meaningful Job Search Hacks for the New Year
As we enter into a new decade, you may have an itch to pursue a new career path or explore new opportunities. Whatever your reason may be, we want to support you in your job search. To help you, here are 5 simple tips on how to better streamline your …

7 tips for having a successful networking meeting
Networking doesn’t have to be awkward. Follow our tips to master networking year round and always have a successful meeting.

How to not let fear hold you back from new opportunities
How to stop letting fear get in the way of reaching out to people for informational interviews and other networking opportunities.

How to network your way to a job as a newcomer
Practical tips and advice for joining the impact sector as a newcomer to the country.

Social Impact conferences to attend in 2018
Our list of the most interesting and renowned social impact conferences to attend in 2018.

How to use the holiday season to advance your career
4 reasons why and how you can use the holiday season to advance your career.

How to ask for an informational interview by email
Informational interviews- whether you are actively looking for a job or just interested in learning more – are an important networking activity for career advancement. Especially in our small, yet growing social impact sector, where connections and relationships matter. While the best type of networking, is about the development of a mutually productive relationship- …

The 3 reasons you need to be on twitter now
Depending on who you ask social media is described as a fun way to pass the time all the way to an amazing networking tool. Professionally, everyone knows they “have to be on LinkedIn” but is that the only media stream that matters? One of our favourite social media platforms for purpose driven professionals is twitter. When …

Sending a connection request on LinkedIn? Make sure you don’t do this
LinkedIn is a powerful online professional networking resource and likely one of your most useful tools for managing your relationships and online career profile. Building up your network is one of the most important things a professional can do- not just when job searching but throughout one’s career. LinkedIn has done a tremendous …

3 obvious, yet often forgotten, tips for getting a social impact job
Finding the perfect social impact job takes hard work and persistence. Good career advice is sector, even company specific. Advice for getting a job at Google is very different than good advice for getting a job at TD or the United Way. But there’s some common tips that transcend all sectors and are …

Looking to change jobs? Then you need to be doing this
Whether you are looking for a promotion or trying to make a career switch, personal branding is something you must be doing. You may be thinking that branding is something only marketers do for products and companies, but that’s not true. Personal branding is not a new concept- from the …

Toronto’s top free networking events for social impact professionals
Professionals interested in a social impact career have likely heard how important it is to network and build relationships when looking for a job. But don’t start your networking only after you’ve begun your job hunt. It may be tempting to put off reaching out to new contacts but the …
The Top 10 Social Impact Conferences to Attend This Year
For professionals interested in social impact careers it can be challenging to meet and network with like-minded people. That’s not surprising in a sector that’s still very early in its development. Yet, we continue to hear how important it is to network and build relationships when looking for your next …

The secret trick to getting an interview is coffee
Meeting for coffee isn’t just for first dates anymore. A 30 minute coffee chat can help land you a coveted interview. How? It’s estimated that 80% of jobs are gotten through some form of networking. I used to think that all you needed was a great cover letter and a strong …

The #1 Most Underrated Tip for Networking
We’ve all been there, standing awkwardly at a networking event trying to make connections in between bites of hors d’hoeurves. Sometimes it even feels like a game – points for how many business cards you collected or people you’ve met. Regardless of how you feel about networking, when looking for a job …