Jennifer Starr. Director, Partnerships. Free the Children
It’s no secret that we love meeting fellow Purple Sheep. Although we’d argue that you’re always a Purple Sheep at heart, some show their colour early in their careers and others after years of experience. Jennifer Starr is a career switcher and recently transitioned from the corporate world to the nonprofit sector …

Looking to change jobs? Then you need to be doing this
Whether you are looking for a promotion or trying to make a career switch, personal branding is something you must be doing. You may be thinking that branding is something only marketers do for products and companies, but that’s not true. Personal branding is not a new concept- from the …

3 ways to get a CSR job without quitting your day job
Whether you are looking for your next job or simply not ready to leave your current one, there are ways to make your current job more impactful. The act of creating change from inside your company is also known as intrapraneurship and could be one of the most powerful ways to …

3 leaders share their best advice for finding meaningful work
Finding meaningful work is a very personal experience and journey. Whether it’s working for a nonprofit, corporate foundation or a social good organization, meaningful work is all around. From high level advice on building your career to practical tips on your cover letter, three of our impact insiders and leaders in their …

Marijke Vandergrift. Associate, Sponsorship & Cause Marketing. SickKids Foundation
Young Professional Series: Marijke’s career is an example of the ever evolving landscape of corporate philanthropy. As part of the sponsorship and cause marketing team at one of Canada’s most recognized hospitals- SickKids- she’s working with companies on partnerships that move past philanthropy 1.0 of cheque writing, to meet business objectives …

Mike Bartlett. Senior Director, Corporate Responsibility, MLSE & Executive Director, MLSE Foundation
There’s nothing more satisfying than landing your dream job and loving what you do everyday. And Mike Bartlett, Senior Director, Corporate Responsibility, MLSE & Executive Director at the MLSE Foundation has done just that. Mike’s job is the perfect example of a career that combines passion, business and philanthropy and demonstrates that you can …

Susan Heaney. Director, Marketing, Communications & Development. The Sustainability Consortium
Career switcher, Susan Heaney, shares advice and her story about switching from the corporate sector to nonprofit. From a decades long corporate career at Avon to the Director of Marketing, Communications and Development at the Sustainability Consortium, Susan Heaney transitioned almost seamlessly from the corporate world to the nonprofit sector. For …

The top social impact conferences and 4 reasons employees need to attend
Conferences can sometimes feel like a drag, a day away from work, speaking with strangers and bad conference food. And with social impact organizations being money conscious, it’s not uncommon for conferences to get de-prioritized in the budget. Not spending on conferences may save you money in the short term …

Careers in fundraising: 5 options to consider
A career in the nonprofit sector is full of options, from working in communications and fundraising to finance and program management. As the primary source of income for nonprofits and charities are donations, careers in fundraising (aka development) are a great career option, as you’ll always be in demand and an asset to your organization. …

5 surprising facts about CSR jobs
If you’re looking for a corporate social responsibility (CSR) job, you already know that every company has a different approach to CSR. This variety makes it challenging to know what companies need and how to position yourself for success. And if you’re looking to switch into CSR, you may be wondering what …

The CSR dictionary: A beginner’s guide
If you’re looking to get a job in CSR it’s important you’re able to speak the language of sustainability. If you want to walk the walk, you need to talk the talk. Here’s a beginner’s guide to the terms you may overhear around the proverbial corporate social responsibility water cooler.

5 rookie mistakes that career switchers make
As a career switcher into social impact, your primary goal is to get across why you above everyone else applying are the best person for the job. You may have the right skill set and bring a wealth of experience from a different sector, but still find it challenging to …

A secret to career switching
Most recruiters won’t tell you all the things you need to do to switch into a social impact job. Beyond the traditional advice of networking and informational interviews – there’s one super important secret for career switching that is rarely discussed.

Why you should start thinking about the end of your career now
Three reasons why it’s important to start thinking about the end of your career now.

A Day in the Life of 3 Corporate Social Responsibility Executives
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means something different at every company. And as most professionals in the field know, CSR is a term that covers a range of activities. To some businesses, CSR can refer to their sustainability efforts, their investment in community events, their employee volunteerism and or the management of …

Rachel Birenbaum. Senior Manager, HR and Operations. Sustainalytics
Do you ever worry that the next hire on your team won’t fit in with the culture? It’s easy to take for granted working with great, like-minded people and if you’re anything like us, you believe that ‘the people make the place’. Rachel Birenbaum and the rest of the team’s work on …

Aria Finger. COO, DoSomething.org and President, TMI
Aria Finger was on a mission to prove her college classmates wrong- that working at a not-for-profit could be efficient, effective and world-changing. As Chief Operating Officer of DoSomething.org– a not-for-profit that empowers millions of people to take action around causes they care about- she does just that. And we couldn’t be …

The 5 myths of nonprofit jobs
Non profit jobs are both challenging and rewarding. If you’re like us, you may have some preconceived notions about what it’s like to work in the non profit sector. We spoke with non profit insiders to help set the record straight as we demystify 5 common myths.

Confessions of a Purple Sheep: 3 Pieces of Career Advice
Finding your dream social impact job takes hard work and persistence. Good career advice is sector, even job specific. Advice for getting a job at Google is very different than good advice for getting a job at the RBC Foundation or the United Way. We’ve gone through our Purple Sheep interviews …

Confessions of a Purple Sheep: How 10 Social Impact Professionals Got Their Jobs
Do you ever wonder how people get their jobs? How important your resume or networking really are? We share the secrets of how Purple Sheep- corporate dreamers who use their skills for good- got their jobs. What you find out may surprise you (6x over).