10 inspiring quotes that will help you get through the realization that summer is almost over
No matter how much we love the Fall, the thought that Summer is almost over can be slightly depressing. September is often thought of as an unofficial start of a new year for many- especially for those going back to school. But no matter how long we’ve been in the workforce and out …

Where to study CSR in Ontario – 2016 Update
With September on the horizon its a time when many are getting ready to return to the classroom. For those interested in social impact, going back to school can mean taking targeted studies in CSR. Most if not all Universities will offer some courses in CSR, others go further and have …

This 1 skill, says an ex Google & Apple exec, can turn you into a great leader
Earlier this year, Kim Scott, an ex Google & Apple exec and currently an advisor at companies like Dropbox, Qualtrics, & Twitter, gave a talk at Strata + Hadoop World on how to be a better boss through the use of what she calls Radical Candor, the goal of which is to …

Three truths about the challenges facing CSR professionals
Are you thinking that a career in CSR is for you? The positive impact you can have in a CSR job is a huge draw for the field, but like with any job, success isn’t easy or guaranteed. There’s always hurdles that must be overcome to make a CSR campaign …

3 ways to be a standout job candidate
Standing out as a job applicant in the impact sector gets harder and harder as the sector grows in popularity. Today, standing out means going above and beyond the obvious requirements of having a carefully crafted cover letter, well-written emails and prompt replies. You’re competing with hundreds of other top quality …

Two things you can do everyday to drastically improve your chances of getting promoted
Do you have a passion for social good but feel that you need to be in a higher position to be a change maker? Have you been in the same job for a while and are feeling frustrated that you can’t seem to move up? Or maybe you’ve been day dreaming …

Celebrating Canada Day. How are you getting ready to be meaningful for Canada’s biggest birthday bash?
This Friday, on July 1st, Canada will turn 149. It was in 1867 that Canada became a country, which started with four founding provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec. Over the next 132 years the remaining 9 provinces would join the nation. Next year, in 2017, Canada will …

The most important work meeting? A high level meeting with yourself
When asked about the secret to his success Albert Einstein was quoted as saying: “Although I have a regular work schedule, I take time to go for long walks on the beach so that I can listen to what is going on inside my head. If my work isn’t going …

How do you add impact to your day job? Skills-based volunteering
Skills-based volunteering is quickly becoming a favored way for professionals to use their skills for good and generate positive impact. No longer does the daily grind need to feel so grinding. Participating in skills-based volunteering is a great way to feel good while doing good. Not only that, but it also offers an …

Graduation season and how to get inspired to find meaningful work
Graduation is a transition. From student to practitioner. From the theoretical to the practical. A transition to the ‘real world’ so to speak. Whether you are just embarking on this stage of life or have been in the ‘real world’ for some time, graduation season is a good time to …

Klaudia Watts the Corporate Responsibility Manager at PwC
Those who are passionate about CSR tend to be very involved in the space. Take Klaudia Watts, Corporate Responsibility Manager at PwC, who’s built an impressive career in sustainability. Klaudia started her career in CSR as an “intrapreneur”, pioneering a CSR program where one never existed. She then leveraged the experience to take …

The recruitment revolution: Why promoting culture matters
The demographic tidal wave we’ve been waiting for has arrived. Millennials now outnumber Boomers in the workplace. That means a company’s next hire is likely a Millennial, and HR is taking notice. There’s a growing focus within recruitment to learn what it takes to grab the attention of a generation …

Top 5 jobs for the sustainability professional
If last week’s Earth Day got you in the mood to take your professional skills in a more sustainable direction, you’re not alone. Fortunately, gone are the days when you needed an environmental science degree for a job that helps the planet. Sustainable oriented careers can range from consulting to …

Top 5 quotes for finding meaningful work
Are you looking for meaningful work but wondering where to start? The impact professionals we’ve interviewed have been there, and they’ve come out the other side with a job, a purpose, and a paycheque. Wondering how they did it? We’ve compiled the top 5 quotes from our interviews on advice …

5 CSR departments you didn’t know existed and how to apply
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t a nice to have anymore, it’s now an expectation that organizations consider their place in the world. The role of business is quite different than it was even a decade ago. A quick search of most corporate websites will now turn up a CSR page. …

Hope Paterson the Co-Founder & Chief Culture Officer at Kidevolve and Super Nanny for Entrepreneurs
Building brands that stand out from the crowd is tricky business. It requires creating a unique voice that sets the brand apart. According to Hope Paterson, Co-Founder and Chief Culture Officer at Kidevolve and Super Nanny for Entrepreneurs, the recipe for brand success is adding a dash of personality into …

Sabrina Viva the Director of Account Management & Latin America Initiatives at Realized Worth
If you are in the midst of deciding if you want a career change, volunteering is a great way to help you make this decision. You can dip your toes in to see what roles suit you and, as Sabrina Viva shows, it could also land you the next career …

Michael Kurz the Energy Projects Manager at the University Health Network
The way business is done is changing, in large part because of the growing recognition that business as usual is not sustainable. As part of this recognition many organization’s are rethinking the way in which they consume energy. Supporting this transition are people like Michael Kurz, Energy Projects Manager with …

The top 4 ways to make a meaningful job
Whatever happened to the “typical work day”? Almost without exception the socially conscious professionals we interview tell us they don’t have a typical day. Not only that, but they go on to explain how relieved they are to not have a typical day. We think that’s interesting, that meaningful work means …

Paulina Zelazny the Digital Marketing & Communications Manager at Toshiba of Canada Limited
What does it mean to work in CSR for a world leading technology company? It can mean drafting a press release for the launch of a new product, launching a marketing campaign or planning promotional activities for CSR programs. In many large corporations CSR responsibilities aren’t the exclusive focus of …